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St. Mary's Menston

Sporting Opportunities

At St Mary’s we offer a broad and balanced extra-curricular programme which is inclusive for all students.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Our extra-curricular opportunities change each year according to student interest and talents in school.   

Extra-Curricular Timetable, PE and Sport, Winter 2024

Winter Season

We offer a Winter and Summer Sports programme which provides a wide variety of activities. The Winter Sports programme includes Football, Netball and Fitness and a theory catch up session for those taking academic courses.

Summer Season

In Summer, we offer Rounders, Cricket and Athletics.

When and Where

All clubs start at 2:45pm and finish at 3:45pm. There are also fixtures where we compete against other schools in the local area and across Leeds.

Sporting Success

We have a proud history of sporting success from our students, supported by school and their external clubs.  

Sporting Successes