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St. Mary's Menston


Address: St Mary’s Menston, a Catholic Voluntary Academy
Bradford Road
Leeds LS29 6AE
West Yorkshire

Tel: 01943 883000

Headteacher: Miss Margaret Hattersley

Our Office Team is the first point of contact for enquiries and can be contacted via email on admin@stmarysmenston.org.

Useful extensions/emails

 Department Name of Staff Contact  Contact Email Address
Admissions Officer Please contact admin@stmarysmenston.org
Attendance Officer Mrs Nunn g.nunn@stmarysmenston.org
Examinations Officer Mrs Jennings s.jennings@stmarysmenston.org
Headteacher's PA Miss Hughes ja.hughes@stmarysmenston.org
Office Manager Mrs Robertson e.robertson@stmarysmenston.org
Educational Visits Coordinator / ParentPay Mrs Ash j.ash@stmarysmenston.org
Pupil Services Mr Blundy pupilservices@stmarysmenston.org
Site Manager Mrs Fisher z.fisher@stmarysmenston.org
Sixth Form Manager Mrs Andrews j.andrews@stmarysmenston.org
Year 7 Pastoral Team contactyear7@stmarysmenston.org
Year 8 Pastoral Team contactyear8@stmarysmenston.org
Year 9 Pastoral Team contactyear9@stmarysmenston.org
Year 10 Pastoral contactyear10@stmarysmenston.org
Year 11 Pastoral Team contactyear11@stmarysmenston.org
Visitor Reception Mrs Roberts admin@stmarysmenston.org


If you have a Wellbeing or Safeguarding Concern

If you have non-urgent concern, or are worried about your child’s wellbeing, please contact the relevant Student Progress Leader (see above table) who will be able to discuss the matter with you.

If you have a safeguarding concern and believe a child may be at risk of harm, please contact a member of our Safeguarding Team via our Visitor Reception telephone number - 01943 883000.

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Anderson
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Burrows and Mrs North 
  • Student Safeguarding and Welfare Manager - Mrs Davis
  • Safeguarding Link Governor - Mr Adams (contact via Headteacher's PA) 

Please indicate to the Receptionist that you have a safeguarding concern. 

Our Parent Page also includes a list of links to Wellbeing sites.

Outside of school hours, when our Visitor Reception is closed, please telephone 999 or 112 if someone is in immediate danger.  For concerns that do not require an emergency response, please ring 101.

You can also contact the following organisations that have a dedicated helpline and websites giving advice on a wide range of topics:

  • NSPCC telephone 0808 8005000 If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, you can speak to the NSPCC for advice, support and the next steps to take if a child’s in danger.
    Telephone lines are open Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm and 9am – 6pm at the weekend. You can contact them online 24 hours a day or Report online.
    Email: help@nspcc/org.uk 
  • YoungMinds Crisis Messenger Provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis. If you need urgent help, texts are free to YM to 85258. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.
    NHS telephone 111
    Childline telephone 0800 1111
    Samaritans telephone 116 123

Report a Student Absence 

If your child is ill or unavoidably absent, please notify us via the Parent Portal, Arbor App or call the attendance line on 01943 883000 and select option 1.  This must be done before 08.30 and on every subsequent day of absence.

If an absence is not reported and is unexplained, parents/guardians will be contacted, as it is our duty to Safeguard. We will endeavour to make all reasonable enquires to ascertain the whereabouts of the child and the reason for absence. If St Mary’s fails to make any contact with parents, a member of staff may conduct home visits, contact he Police or Children’s Social Care to complete a safe and well check. We ask that parents/guardians keep school up to date with changes to contact details.


Further information, including requests for leave, can be found by clicking here.

The trust attendance policy can be found in the Policy and statutory information page here.

Contact the School SENCO

We are committed to supporting our students with any additional needs they have. Please get in touch with the SENCO, Mrs Basri via send@stmarysmenston.org

Contact the Careers Leader

You can contact the school Careers Lead, Miss Rutter, on 01943 883000, or via m.rutter@stmarysmenston.org